Saturday, July 28, 2012

The Flying Saucer Seen Around the World

Can we all finally just admit to ourselves as a civilization that we're being visited by other civilizations?

As I hoped for on the show this week, our galactic relatives used the auspicious opportunity presented in the 2012 Olympics opening ceremonies to say hello.

Think about it.  As the world symbollically gathers during this year of 2012 predictions, during the opening celebration of that gathering, our friends officially announce their present to the nations of the planet all at once.  But instead of an obvious flying saucer materializing over every capitol building on the planet simultaenously, the job was done much more gently.  A single saucer, unmistakably visible for literally the world to see!

And now, the world can finally get beyond the ridiculous denials.  We can finally collectively accept that they're here, and they're not trying to kill us.  It's time.  We have to.  The world no longer has a choice.  We will all see this.  You have to be a complete human ostrich with your head in the sand to attempt to deny this.  And if you do, you might keep it to yourself.  After this, it'll be the UFO deniers everyone thinks are crazy.  After Mitt Romney publicly called the security of the Olympics into question, do you really suppose London would purposely allow something into the airspace above the stadium?

So whattaya say, world?  Let's just allow ourselves to admit beings from other worlds are here.  So we can take the next step.  Maybe we should start talking and figure out what that is.

I'm sure digital footage will surface, but someone in England was smart enough to video tape the live feed from Sky News.  I'm sure this footage was edited before NBC showed the ceremonies in the U.S.

But here it is, for the world to see:

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Laura Eisenhower on 2012 | Extraordinary Year July 25, 2012

Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, great-grandaughter of US President Dwight D. Eisenhower, returns to share her experiences and insight.

- How she was recruited by the secret space program to join the Mars colony

- Pres. Eisenhowers meetings with multiple groups of extraterrestrials

- What may await us over the remainder of 2012 and how we can interact creatively with the ascension process

- The possibility of world-changing events this Friday.

- Her reaction to recent news and events (Congress passing of the Federal Reserve Transparency Act, tons of bad news for the global financial system)

Monday, July 23, 2012

The changes are upon us - What you can do to help!

Today I received a question from a Twitter follower asking if I had any information on "when things will start happening."  Well, I think there's plenty of evidence to suggest things already are.  The LIBOR scandal continues to occupy mainstream headlines.  Financial institutions are being fined left and right.  Bank heads are stepping down, including Bob Diamond of Barclays.  If you've read David Wilcock's most recent post, you know that Barclays has been scientifically identified as the #1 corporation ruling the world!  For them to take the first hit in the LIBOR debacle doesn't bode well for the other 146 companies (75% of which are financial institutions) controlling 80% of the world's wealth.

The cloaked Washington insider Poofness has also released a post that spells bad news for the elite.  In a case of poetic irony, the IRS is being audited!  And this just in, the Monday channeling of Mike Quinsey's SaLuSa doesn't feel like most of his recent messages which lately have seemed to be mostly regurgitation of past posts.

Stuff really looks and feels, to me, to be "happening".

What you can do

And there's one more piece of change in motion - one you might be able to actually help with!  Ron Paul's bill to audit the Federal Reserve past the committee stage with NO opposition.  Now it will go to the full house to be voted on.  This is where you can help.  Call AND email your congressional representative today!  The vote is scheduled for tomorrow (July 24).  Encourage all of your connections across all your social networks to do the same.  Together we can at the very least let Congress feel how ready We, The People are for these changes.  Let's let them know we're serious and demand they vote to go ahead with a top-to-bottom audit of the Fed.

How to do it

Step 1: Contact Congress.  Use to find your representative.  Then, call AND email them.  Tell them you support Bill HR 459 and want them to vote YES tomorrow, July 24.

Step 2: Encourage all your family and friends you'd like them to do the same.  Do it as many different ways as you can.  Facebook it.  Post it to groups.  Forums.  Tweet it, Tumble it, Google Plus it.

Together, we can take real action TODAY to finally take down the elite bankers who've had a stranglehold on our planet for a century.  Their time is coming to a close.  Let's speed up the clock.

Thanks in advance,
Tim Bravo

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Will the world change on July 27, 2012?

Live long enough, and eventually you'll experience an historic day.  Historic Days happen.  D-Day.  The Kennedy Assassination.  9/11.

Usually, these historic days take us by surprise.  And usually, given the benefit of 20/20 hindsight, we realize we could have seen it coming.  Could this coming Friday, July 27th prove to be the first historic day we do see coming?  I'd like you to take a look at some disparate sources of information that may all be pointing to the opportunity for a world-impacting event on July 27.

The Olympics and the Forecasted Illuminati Plot

For weeks, if not months, rumors have been flying suggesting the Illuminati have planned a false-flag event during the London Olympics.  Indeed, if they are as isolated and near the end of their reign as insiders, channelings and headlines seem to indicate, an incident at the London Olympics might be a last gasp opportunity to turn the world toward war and further postpone the inevitable awakening of the masses.

It is often said that the Illuminati always post their plans in public view.  That way, they feel their actions are fair because they told us and we didn't stop them.  Below is a video that presents multiple possible media "tells".  I'll let you judge for yourself, but I personally find the "I, Pet Goat" portions to be very interesting.

Keep in mind, the Olympics officially start Friday, July 27, 2012.

Wanderer in the Skies

So yeah.  Maybe there's a little bit of available evidence to suggest the Illuminati might have a new deceit up their proverbial sleeve.  But that doesn't mean they could get away with it, even if they wanted to.  We know our off-world friends have turned off nukes in their silos for decades and even stopped them in mid air.

So now I'd like to offer you a less destructive and equally world-changing possible scenario for Friday.  What if the Illuminati's plans were not only thwarted, but our relatives from the stars actually used the occasion to say hello to Earth?

Think about it.  Every four years the planet comes together symbolically through the Olympic Games.  And they just happen to fall in the summer of the auspicious year 2012.  What better a time for them to make a soft form of contact with the world as a whole than when the world is gathered through focused collective attention?

But is there any indication such a thing could happen?  Believe it or not, this is not completely conjecture on my part.  There is a channeled source that calls itself Wanderer of the Skies, purporting to be a part of the Galactic Federation.  Although Wanderer reports used to appear with some frequency, this latest report breaks an unusual radio silence.  The entire post holds some interesting thoughts and predictions, but I found the following portion to be in line with the possibility of some sort of extraterrestrial presence during the opening ceremonies.

Recently, we have met again on a galactic scale to assess where we have come in the process and what must been done further to progress towards the inevitable goals desired by the plan.  That meeting, again taking place on one of our great spacers, has led to some interesting consensus about our mutual situation.  This meeting included those delegates from your world as well as representative of the Federation.  Your people were heard and your feelings considered foremost in the consensus.  We have begun in earnest now to undertake the first in the steps of this consensus.  You will see that first step in the form of our overwhelming presence in your skies in the coming days.  The first advance of the major agenda is underway. 

Solar activity and Mercury conjunction

Adding to the halcyon hopes for an eventful July 27 are two interesting celestial events.  As YouTuber Suspicious Observer has noted regularly in his videos, strong earthquake activity tends to coincide with conjunctions of Mercury with the sun.  The next Mercury-Sun conjunction?  You guessed it.  Friday, July 27, 2012.

But that's not all.  Solar watchers have had their eyes on one particular hole in the sun's corona for months. At one point it looked like a giant pyramid, another revolution of the sun some thought it looked like a giant chicken man. Coronal holes are connected to solar wind. When one is pointed at Earth, the solar wind buffeting our magnetosphere rises. They are also thought to be connected with increased earthquake activity. Well, that same hole is swinging back around and is forecast to line up with the Mercury conjunction!

But I'm not one to hope for or focus on calamity.  I don't bring these alignments up because of their portents for geomagnetic activity.  I bring them up simply because they are an interesting alignment of alignments all on one date.

Now I'm not trying to say something is definitely going to happen on Friday.  I'm simply saying there's plenty of evidence to suggest something could.  Let's hope for the best.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Another Week, Another UFO Sighting

As commonly as I and people I know are having UFO sightings, it's really a wonder a majority of the world seems to still be on the fence as to whether or not this phenomenon is real.  You may know I had my first daytime UFO sighting last weekend.  Well, that event has already lost its distinction as of yesterday!

Our family spent the afternoon at the public pool in our neighborhood.  Because the skies were basically still chemtrail-free, I wanted to soak up as much sun as I could.  So, between cooling dips and trips down the slide, I spent the better part of the afternoon on my back and absorbing the solar rays.

At one point, I opened my eyes to see a bright point of light floating slowly.  No sooner did I spy it then it flared in brightness and apparent size.  Once I was certain I was spying a UFO and not a plane glinting in the sun, I tapped my wife and said, "Honey, I've got another one!"

Of course, she was sunning her back and by the time she rolled over and could focus on the area of the sky I was pointing to, I'd watched the bright light fade and disappear completely.  Vanished.  Dematerialized.

Obviously, there wasn't time to pull out my nearly-useless camera phone to record the event...and that's alright.  Ultimately, these sightings may prove to be prods of encouragement created solely for me and me alone - a sort of, "Hello, Tim.  Yes, we're really here.  Thought we'd catch you while you were looking.  Keep the faith!"  But even if they are just for me, what sort of citizen journalist would I be if I didn't share the experiences with those who are also looking for validation that they aren't alone in the emerging world view?

One would expect a worldwide phenomenon to hit the small places, too!  UFOs.  They're not just for Hollywood!  Take heart, sisters and brothers.

Below is video I captured of the daytime UFO sighting from last week.  It's not amazing.  The object I saw yesterday was bigger (or maybe closer), brighter, and didn't flash.  It stayed steady, got brighter, then faded away.


Significant UFO event over Hollywood

A significant UFO event took place over Hollywood, CA on the night if July 8-9, 2012.  Incredible video was captured showing at least 5 UFOs.  Also documented are the astonished reactions of some young Californians and what appear to be several police helicopters circling and investigating the bright objects.

It stretches the imagination to think such an event could take place directly over Hollywood without several cameras rolling.  Unfortunately, there don't appear to be many other YouTube uploads of the event.  I did find the following, though.


The poster of the following video seems to have observed the same event.

And apparently there continue to be sightings in the Hollywood area.  Check out this vid from July 14!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Whistleblowers on US Govt Time Travel & Teleportation

Time travel and teleportation technologies are real, and the United States government has used them since at least the 1960s. So say our guests lawyer Andy Basiago and former special assistant to President Nixon Bernard Mendez. They know, because they say they were a part of these programs that sent them through time and space to the past, the future, and even to Mars! And they weren't alone. They report being with many others, including a young Barack Obama!

Laura Eisenhower, great-grandaughter of President Eisenhower also joins us to corroborate their stories of a secret space program hidden from the ordinary citizens of Earth.

Don't miss this lively panel discussion! Our guests don't agree on every aspect, but they all agree on one thing: It happened!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

My weird Las Vegas dream

I had a very unusual dream while attending a national conference in Las Vegas last week.  My wife and I were staying in a room overlooking the strip from the top floor of Planet Hollywood.  After my conference wrapped up she and I went out for the night, taking in the Fremont Street Experience, the Bellagio fountains, the Eiffel Tower and more.  By the time we were finished I was so tired I crashed out on her.

The view from our room
The next thing I know, I awoke in our room to the earth shaking.  The sun was now up and I could physically feel the earth quaking.  It wasn't a terribly frightening experience, and the shaking wasn't violent.  I found myself more intrigued than afraid.  I kept trying to wake my wife.  The shaking went on for several moments.  I could hear people yelling below in the street and outside our room.  I kept trying to wake my wife, telling her she was going to miss out on the experience.

After the shaking subsided, I got out of bed and walked toward the door of the room.  There, I found the tiniest little puppy.  It looked like a pug.  I'm not a big fan of pugs or any small dogs, really, but this little thing was terribly cute.  Then, following it was a tiny Chihuahua puppy.  Then there was a big tan pit bull mix which turned around at the door and growled at the multitude of other tiny dogs following it.  It wasn't a menacing growl.  More, it seemed like this dog was being protective of me or didn't want to share my attention and affection with the others.  I gave it a "now, now" and patted its hindquarters and watched as the parade of puppies continued into the room.  I remember walking toward the bed and the main part of the room and there was an area of small grayish white tiles on the floor.  The dream was so detailed I remember there were a couple places on the floor where the tile was missing.

The last thing I clearly remember was picking up an old Basset Hound with a misshapen neck and feeling compassion for the poor thing.

The dream went on from there and had something to do with my wife, who had finally awakened, but I can't remember.  Ultimately, the my alarm went off and I woke up for real and I woke up in the very room I'd just been dreaming I was in.  The only real difference was the real room didn't have the tile at the entry way.  I was pretty confused for a few seconds.

The weirdest thing was...while we were getting ready my wife and I both heard a sound that came from the area of the window.  To me, it sounded like a dog whining one time; a very strange sound to hear on the 23rd floor of a Las Vegas hotel.  The wife isn't sure what she heard.  But it wasn't until after I heard this sound that I told her about the dream.  

Where have all the chemtrails gone?

Are chemtrails disappearing?
Anyone who knows me knows I take the time to look up every time I venture outside.  I do this for a couple reasons.  First, I'm always hoping to catch another glimpse of a UFO.  This habit of mine has resulted in several sightings; you should try it.  The other reason I look up is to keep tabs on the chemtrail situation over our area.

Thing is, I'm not really sure when the last time was I saw any significant chemtrail plane activity.  Between Wichita, KS and Las Vegas where I was a few days last week, I've seen maybe one in going on two weeks.  And THAT is very out-of-the-ordinary!

So I was inspired to ask around with my friends on the Extraordinary Year facebook page to see if they were seeing chemtrails.  Lo and behold, 9 people responded that they'd seen hardly any lately.  Only 2 said they had seen them, and these two people live in the same region!  But far flung friends are now realizing how many of us haven't had them lately.  Wichita to Baja California.  Ohio.  Colorado Springs.  San Diego and Seal Beach, CA.  Quebec.  Maryland.  Connecticut.

This is a very interesting situation!  Did something happen to severely curtail the elites' ability to chemtrail our skies?  Is this a sign that things really are changing?  Maybe I'm rejoicing prematurely, but I'll take hope where I can get it - and this is development is definitely something to share and celebrate!

If you're reading this, I'm going to ask you to do 3 things:

1) Go to our facebook page, like us and leave a comment on the chemtrail post at the top.  Let us know whether you've been seeing chemtrails in your area.

2) Share the post on your wall, asking your friends the same.

3) GO OUTSIDE!  If you have the rare opportunity to soak up some sun unobstructed by chemtrails, do it! Your body needs that sunlight to use Vitamin D to make you strong and full of energy.  It's also one of the best things you can do to PREVENT cancer!

Please, and thank you!